Hey! I just signed up for my first 5K race—The Mr. Call Fun Run. I am very excited. I have been pretty faithful in my gym attendance since January and feel like I am in OK shape. But I have never run a 5K. After signing up I Googled “How to train for first 5K” and was disheartened to read that it takes at least six weeks. SIX WEEKS! I don’t have six weeks.
Oh well, I am sure if I run just a little more on the treadmill each day for the next two weeks I should at least finish. I hope.
But I am not just excited about the idea of running a race; I am excited for the cause I will be supporting. Mr. Richard Call is a dedicated drama teacher at Burley High School. He is very talented at teaching and directing and gives his all to his students. I had the privilege of working with him on a high school play (I was a citizen of Emerald City in The Wizard of Oz—a very important role) and admire his professionalism and passion for his work. He is also an amazing father to one of my good friends and a great community member. He has been courageously fighting cancer lately, and the race is to benefit him.
The race is the Saturday morning of fair week—the most important week of the year in Burley—and it should be lots of fun. I know that lots of people who grew up in Burley come home that weekend and I encourage you all to join me for the race. If I can do it, so can you.
For more information, visit http://burley99.blogspot.com/2009/07/mr-call-fun-run.html or click the button at the right.
P.S. The comment feature isn't working on my blog. Can anyone tell me how to fix this? If you want to ask questions about the race or leave comments about my physical fitness Facebook me or something. Ha ha.