Sunday, July 19, 2009

Test post

For some reason, things got really messed up on this blog. This is just a test post. I promise a good one is in the works.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

I have ignored my blog. I am sorry.

I have completely ignored my blog. I feel like a bad person for doing so.

It's not like nothing noteworthy has happened lately. I just haven't taken the time to write about it.

I have been really involved lately in lots of things. I hesitate to say the word busy because I have banned it from my vocabulary. Everyone is busy. I made a sign to hang in the Bradley Agency that says "'I'm busy' is no excuse. We are all busy."

I'm working at BYU Grounds, then working at the PR lab or at my internship. I am having lots of fun experiences and making good friends along the way. I need to weave blogging into my schedule.

My commitment for the next week is to blog seriously at least once.